Season 5, Episode 3

How to Prepare for Maternity Leave - An Interview with Yael Bendahan

On this episode, I’m interviewing Yael Bendahan about how to prepare your business for maternity leave...

...without losing all the momentum you’ve built up. We’re covering practical ways to bring in revenue as a service provider while you’re on leave, and how to insulate your business to weather the need to take time off, whether that’s for new kids, sudden family emergencies, or something else entirely. 

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I'm Abby, your truth-spittin' BFF.

I believe that champagne and truth are both best served straight, with bubbles to help keep things fun. Running a business is hard, and you're busy- let's cut to the chase and grow a smarter business that supports a life you LOVE.

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Being a creative doesn't mean you’re condemned to the life of a starving artist. You can find massive success in business AND satisfaction in your work, all while getting enough sleep each night and working a non-insane number of hours— one doesn’t have to come at the expense of the other. 

Helping photographers lean into their artistic
gifts AND earn a healthy profit from their work,
without sacrificing their sanity in the process.

- Katrina

"I can actually envision myself in business for a long time, and I can see myself in the future doing what I love."

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- maureen

"This is Future Me here to help Present Me- the things she shares about her mistakes and growth points along the way feel like they could just as easily be me."

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Brand Photography Pivot Guide

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Ashlyn Carter

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Steal My Shot List Formula

Need idea for what to shoot at your next brand session? Swipe these plug-and-play ideas to move beyond the cliché "smiling at a laptop" photos, wowing you AND your client.

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